

  • The purpose of this website is to provide information only and the contents of this website do not constitute financial advice.
  • BLUEFINVEST reserve the right to amend the offerings, terms & conditions and other details without prior intimation.
  • There is no obligation on you to take any product or services through us.
  • Though it’s advisable to have a financial plan, execution and implementation in one place, we would not be responsible if your chosen executor of the plan does any kind of misselling/investment in any product not as defined as suitable in the financial plan OR deviate from the plan.
  • If you buy any financial product (e.g. Mutual Fund, Online Term Plan, Estate Planning) through our execution team, we may earn a fee or commission.
  • For life insurance online term plans, commissions range from 35% to 10% of the premium. This is normally given only for the 1st year. For health insurance, the commission is 15% of the premium, every year. In the case of Mutual Funds, the distributor’s commission can be around 0.5% to 0.75% p.a. of the market value. In all products, there may be additional sales target based incentives, declared from time to time.
  • Conflict of Interest: we may have holding or investing in shares/mutual funds but we take utmost care that conflict of interest does not arise and provide a FIDUCIARY SERVICE at first. If a conflict of interest arises it would be disclosed appropriately.
  • No advisor is going to volunteer information about potential conflicts of interest. It is up to you to ask the right questions and know good answers (benefit you) from bad ones (damage you).
  • Our execution team is certified by IRDA for being an Insurance Advisor & by NISM for being a Certified Mutual Fund Distributors.
  • We endeavour to make the transactions paperless, but in certain cases or geography, physical transactions need to be filled in. Our back-office handhold to make them seamless and stress-free.
  • We take care of your taxation and filing returns for which we charge separately and the charges are communicated and agreed upon before the exercise OR as taken/defined in the plan.
  • We make the financial drafting based on the information that you provide us and the goals that you set for yourself. The results will depend on the execution of our recommendations and true up of our assumptions.
  • While we have tried our best to be as reasonably accurate as possible, we cannot assure you regarding the financial outcome of your investments. This is due to the dynamic nature of our economic,tax environment and geo-political scenario.
  • The numbers in the plan are ballpark estimates. The actual situation may not be the same, depending on the various factors from time to time. There is no warranty on accuracy & we do not accept any liability for any error, omission or loss in this regard.
  • Please do not treat our plan as legal or accounting advice. You should discuss this plan with your Lawyer and Chartered Accountant.
  • When an action is required from the client’s side, we will make reasonable efforts of follow up and then apply 3 Strike rule. This means that after sending you 3 written reminders, our responsibility ends in relation to the outstanding action, input, review confirmation etc. pending at client’s end.
  • BLUEFINVEST will endeavour to update the website on a regular basis. However, information can change without notice and BLUEFINVEST does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on the website, including information provided by third parties, at any particular time. Any investment decision taken on basis of website data BLUEFIVEST will indemnify from such loss. 
  • The information is selective and may not be complete or accurate for your particular purposes and should not be construed as a recommendation to invest in any particular product, investment or security. The information provided on this website is given in good faith and is believed to be accurate at the time of compilation.
  • Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is accurate. However, you must not rely on this information to make a financial or investment decision. Before making any decision, we recommend you to consult a financial planner to take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation and individual needs, before any investment.Moreover, user are encouraged to contact BLUEFINVEST professional advisers for advice concerning the specific matter before making any decision.
  • BLUEFINVEST does not give any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of information which is contained in this website. Except insofar as any liability under statute cannot be excluded, BLUEFINVEST and their employees do not accept any liability for any error or omission of any information on this website or for any resulting loss or damage suffered by the recipient or any other person.
  • Investments are subject to accompanying risk with it either it can be market, liquidity, stock or in any form and you will always contact BLUEFINVEST before taking an investment decision.
  • By visiting this website you agree with the disclaimer and will adhere to the conditions as mentioned.
  • For your convenience, this website may contain hyperlinks to websites and servers maintained by third parties. We do not control, evaluate, endorse or guarantee content found on those sites. We do not assume any responsibility or liability for the actions, products, services and content of these sites or the parties that operate them. Your use of such sites is entirely at your own risk.
  • Unless otherwise specified, the copyright of information provided on this website is owned by BLUEFINVEST You may not alter or modify this information in any way, including the removal of this copyright notice.
  • Every effort has been taken to be compliant or compliance per se as per the law of land there should be no legal civil or criminal prosecution if there is non-disclosure or failure to disclose some or any part thereof or as agreed between you and BLUEFINVEST or its employee or its related associates. You Indemnify BLUEFINVEST and its employee/s and its associates of any prosecution for whatever or any legal proceeding for non-intentional non-disclosure of any remuneration or part of it or provide under-service to you as per your level of perception.
  • You accept the terms of use of this website (www.BlueFinvest.com) for using the services of BLUEFINVEST or accessing any section on the BLUEFINVEST website. This Terms of Use constitutes the entire agreement between you and BLUEFINVEST with respect to this Website and the Services provided by BLUEFINVEST.
  • You agree not to use this website and/or the services (or any part thereof) for any illegal purpose and agree to use it in accordance with all relevant laws. You expressly agree to use the services strictly for personal purposes and not commercial purpose. You will not use this website and/or the services in a way that may cause this website and/or the services to be interrupted, damaged, rendered less efficient, upload or transmit computer viruses, macro viruses, trojan horses, worms or such that the effectiveness or functionality of the website(s) and/or the services is in any way impaired it will lead to prosecution under IT act 2005 of IPC
    Bluefinvest is not responsible for any misconduct done by business associates and it stands to be indemnified by you for the same, However, utmost care is taken for choosing the associates to give extraordinary service to you and any complaint by you for business associates will be taken seriously and appropriate action by Bluefinvest will be taken. 

Our Associates:

  1. Pace Business Consultants who are experts in Tax consultation and business risk advisory.
  2. Mfutility is a mutual fund transaction platform through which Blue Finvest does and provide transaction service to you
  3. IFA Now is a portfolio and planning software where we make the plan for you and provide a portfolio view of your investments
  4. Cover fox it’s an insurance broker which will be providing you with risk and insurance services to you. (We have disassociated from their service)
  5. BSE STAR MF is mutual fund transaction platform through which Blue Finvest does and provide transaction service to you
  6. NSE MF 2 is mutual fund transaction platform through which Blue Finvest does and provide transaction service to you
  7. Salat Technology This is used to make online account opening possible on 3 platforms (MFutility, BSE Star MF and NSE MF 2) at one time, they take store photo’s and signature to open the account only.( We have disassociated from their service)
  8. JM Financial Services provides investment services in Fixed deposits, Company/Corporate deposits, Perpetual bonds and other service/investment-related products as associated with them. 
  9. Religare Broking Limited provides NPS related services
  10. Prudent -Gennext : for multi-asset investing and insurance investing service.

All these websites or link carry their own disclaimer and you comply with them for the same. Blue Finvest is not responsible for any professional misconduct done by any of the associates.

The service in this website offered does not constitute an offer to sell or solicit to any person or persons in any jurisdiction where it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation by Bluefinvest.

Privacy Policy

BlueFinvest understands that our relationship is strongly built on trust and faith. In the course of using the information on this website or availing the services, BlueFinvest may become privy to the personal information of its customer including information that is of a confidential nature. BlueFinvest is strictly committed to protecting the privacy of its Customer and has taken reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the customer information and its transmission through World Wide Web. However, it shall not be liable in any manner for disclosure of the confidential information in accordance with this Privacy Commitment or in terms of the agreement if any with the Customer or by reasons beyond its control. We may, however, be required to disclose your personal information to Government, Judicial bodies, and our Regulators or to any person to whom the Firm is under an obligation to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on the Firm or any of its branches if required. Hyperlink Policy for user Any hyperlink to other Internet sites is at customer’s own risk. The contents of which and the accuracy of opinions expressed are not verified, monitored or endorsed by BlueFinvest, in any way or manner. BlueFinvest is not responsible for the setup of any hyperlink from a third party website to BlueFinvest. To protect your personal information, we take reasonable precautions and follow industry best practices to make sure it is not inappropriately lost, misused, accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed. By using this site, you represent that you are at least the age of majority in your state or province of residence, or that you are the age of majority in your state or province of residence and you have given us your consent to allow any of your minor dependents to use this site.

The views, opinions and comments posted are yours, and are not endorsed by this website. You shall be solely responsible for the comment posted here. BlueFinvest reserves the right to publish, edit, modify, delete, reject, or otherwise remove any views, opinions and comments posted or part thereof. You shall ensure that the comment is not inflammatory, abusive, derogatory, defamatory &/or obscene, or contain pornographic matter and/or does not constitute hate mail, or violate the privacy of any person (s) or breach confidentiality or otherwise is illegal, immoral or contrary to public policy. Nor should it contain anything infringing copyright &/or intellectual property rights of any person(s).

If, at any time after subscribing to any of our services, you wish to discontinue receiving information from us or you wish to opt out of our marketing or promotional emails, phone calls or discontinue receiving any other direct communication from us, please either click on the “unsubscribe” link.

FIXED DEPOSIT/ Fixed Investment

  • BlueFinvest works on agent-principal law. we don’t have any investment scheme. We are just facilitators for investment into the product.
  • BlueFinvest does not take passback or give passback for the investment made.
  • All interest rate is subject to revision without prior revision. Please contact BlueFinvest for more information.
  • The investor can make take their decision based on their own judgement and independent advice that may receive from BlueFinvest or not before making/taking any investment or disinvestment decision.
  • BlueFinvest does not guarantee in any way safety of principal or capital OR return of capital. And the investor is aware of the Risk Associated with such investment on signing the document.
  • BlueFinvest absolves from any liability arising/ related to default risk, investment risk, company risk, Downgrade Risk, Credit Risk, Credit rating risk, Macro Risk, Or whatsoever risk involved in the investment accrued.
  • The best effort is made to get an interest rate from a reliable source, not liable for the accuracy of the data.

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